I'm not sure what the ACCS can offer public schools, since our primary premise is that Christ is the center of all learning. I pray what you suggest might happen. More likely, the classical Charter movement would erode the influence of the public district school. As far as the ACCS goes, I think our calling is to educate the tiny percentage that will lead us out of this mess someday. That will take transformative action. That takes time. But, when you spend 120 years making a mess, it takes more than a few to clean it up.

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It would seem public education is on the brink of collapse, more likely sooner than later. While our current ACCS schools have much to offer, I doubt they can accommodate such a massive influx of students. Yet, we create schools for the needy all over the world, so why not here? My guess is that if we have a plan in place, the public schools will be eager to contract with ACCS to administer our proven paideia in the schools. If we don't have a plan, who will fill the vacuum, and with what?

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Eager to see what God will continue to be doing as the secular, Marxist, anti-God activists continue to push goodly people away. We've got work to do!

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