Thank you Gregory and Sean for those additions. I updated this listing and plan to do so again if others chime in. I hope this catalog of the ongoing debate will continue to be of value.

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I think a piece that should be added to the timeline is Clifford Humphrey's piece over at The American Reformer (April 7, 2023).


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Thank you for this. Given the widespread and irrational nature of the woke ideology, especially within the hearts of many faithful followers of Christ as of late, it is hard not to see this wave as a spiritual attack. I know of many personal experiences where this mentality has crept into movements for God and dissolved it from within. It is as though they prefer the echoes of excellence in place of the real.

Keep fighting the good fight. The hearts and minds of future generations (maybe small pockets of them) will thank you as I do now.

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I wrote a review of Parham and Prather's "The Black Intellectual Tradition" here, in the Consortium Journal: https://issuu.com/romanroadsmedia/docs/consortium_journal_vol_1_-_issue_2

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Thanks for this helpful overview!

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A fascinating debate. Thanks for the overview

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Public schools are already deep in the ideological battle. Parents are understandably outraged at the pornographic LGBT books being displayed (and showcased as banned books) in school libraries. School libraries take book recommendations from the American Library Association and the School Library Journal. The ALA is an extremely left organization that frames banned books as a First Amendment issue and talks about students' rights. This is ridiculous as the books qualify as pornography. The SLJ is a company owned by Marty Nesbitt, President Obama's best friend. Both Obama and Nesbitt are supported by the Pritzkers. The Pritzkers, along with Arcus, Gill, Ford, Rockefeller and a host of other foundations are leading the charge on the LGBT issue in schools as well as pushing for legislation to criminalize parents that protest against their kids from having gender-changing surgery. Big Pharma stands to make billions from puberty-blocking drugs. Classical Christian Schools may be forced to go underground as parent groups are far less organized and funded compared to the Pritzkers and company.

The Powerful Men Behind Puberty Blockers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykwT2_HPNLY

The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/billionaire-family-pushing-synthetic-sex-identities-ssi-pritzkers

TeachAI, sponsored by DoD and the World Economic Forum will replace teachers: https://teachai.org/

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